
الكورس التدريسي الخاص بمادة الأطفال



الكورس التدريسي الخاص بمادة الأطفال

Course Videos


  • الكورس التدريسي الخاص بمادة الأطفال

Meet Your Instructor


La Medica Team

La Medica Team
  • Sections 17
  • Lessons 185
  • Duration 65
  • Language Arabic
  • Video Subtitle Link
  • Certificate False

Course Syllabus

Chapter 1


  • 1 - La Medica Academy
Chapter 2


  • 1 - L1 - baby history & physical examination of head and face
  • 2 - L2 - Macleod physical examination of neck, CVS, RS, abdominal
  • 3 - L3 - Macleods babies physical examination
  • 4 - L4 - Macleods older child history taking
  • 5 - L5 - Macloeds physical examination of older child
Chapter 3


  • 1 - Cyanotic heart disease
  • 2 - Acyanotic heart diseases
  • 3 - Kawasaki disease- Dr aya
  • 4 - Rheumatic Fever
Chapter 4


  • 1 - Developmental Assessment
  • 2 - Epilepsy
  • 3 - status epilepticus
  • 4 - Cerebral Palsy
  • 5 - immunization & COVID-19 Vaccination
  • 6 - pervasive developmental disorders
  • 7 - Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  • 8 - Meningitis
  • 9 - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : ADHD
  • 10 - Congenital Hypothyroidism
  • 11 - Febrile seizure
  • 12 - Muscular Dystrophies
  • 13 - Headache
Chapter 5


  • 1 - Nephritic Syndrome
  • 2 - Nephrotic syndrome- Dr Salma
  • 3 - Urinary Tract Infection - Dr Salma
  • 4 - VUR & enuresis
  • 5 - Approach to red urine
  • 6 - fluid therapy in children
  • 7 - AKI- Dr Salma
  • 8 - CKD- Dr. Salma
Chapter 6


  • 1 - Pediatric asthma - New
  • 2 - Bronchiolitis
  • 3 - Common Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ( URTI ) - 1
  • 4 - Common Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ( URTI ) - 2
  • 5 - Pneumonia
  • 6 - Tuberculosis
Chapter 7


  • 1 - Growth in Children
  • 2 - Puberty and Pubertal disorders
  • 3 - Thyroid Disorders
  • 4 - Type 1 Diabetes- Dr Randa
  • 5 - Other types of Diabetes- Dr Randa
  • 6 - Rickets
  • 7 - Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Chapter 8


  • 1 - Acute Gastroenteritis
  • 2 - Chronic Gastroenteritis
  • 3 - GERD
  • 4 - Infant Feeding
  • 5 - Pediatric gastrointestinal bleeding
  • 6 - Hepatitis
  • 7 - Common Chromosomal Disorders part 1
  • 8 - Chromosomal Abnormalities part 2 (William and DiGorge)
Chapter 9


  • 1 - Neonatal history
  • 2 - Jaundice - part1
  • 3 - Jaundice - part 2
  • 4 - bacterial infection in the neonates
  • 5 - Neonatal Seizures
  • 6 - Respiratory distress syndrome "RDS"
  • 7 - Infant of diabetic mother & hypoglycemia
  • 8 - Common problems in neonate
Chapter 10


  • 1 - Endemic Diseases part 1
  • 2 - Endemic Diseases part 2
  • 3 - Exanthematous diseases
Chapter 11


  • 1 - ALL
  • 2 - AML
  • 3 - Anemia - NEW
  • 4 - Bleeding Disorders
  • 5 - pediatric history and examination
  • 6 - Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  • 7 - Common Pediatric Malignancies
  • 8 - Overview of malignancy and leukemia - New
  • 9 - pediatric oncology overview & wilms tumor
  • 10 - Neuroblastoma
Chapter 12


  • 1 - Dr Aseel - chronic kidney disease Quiz
  • 2 - Dr Aseel - Acute glomerulonephritis Quiz
  • 3 - Dr Aseel - nephrotic syndrome and proteinuria - part (2) Quiz
  • 4 - Dr Aseel - Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI ) Quiz
  • 5 - Dr Aseel - fluid therapy in children Quiz
  • 6 - Dr Aseel - Acute kidney injury (AKI) Quiz
  • 7 - Dr Haytham - acute gastroenteritis Quiz
  • 8 - Dr Haytham - Pediatric gastrointestinal bleeding Quiz
  • 9 - Dr Haytham - Hepatitis Quiz
  • 10 - Dr Haytham - pediatric history and examination Quiz
  • 11 - Dr Haytham - Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Quiz
  • 12 - Dr Haytham - cystic fibrosis Quiz
  • 13 - Dr Haytham - chronic diarrhea and malabsorption Quiz
  • 14 - Dr Haytham - infant feeding Quiz
  • 15 - Dr Lina - TB Quiz
  • 16 - Dr Lina - Bronchiolitis Quiz
  • 17 - Dr Lina - Asthma 2 Quiz
  • 18 - Dr Lina - Chromosomal abnormalities Quiz
  • 19 - Dr Lina - Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 2 ( URTI 2 ) Quiz
  • 20 - Dr Lina - Acute Rheumatic fever ( ARF ) Quiz
  • 21 - Dr Lina - pneumonia Quiz
  • 22 - Dr Lina - Endemic disease Quiz
  • 23 - Dr Alaa - acyanotic cardiac defect Quiz
  • 24 - Dr Alaa - Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Quiz
  • 25 - Dr Alaa - Rickets Quiz
  • 26 - Dr Alaa - diabetes mellitus Quiz
  • 27 - Dr Alaa - Puberty & precocious puberty Quiz
  • 28 - Dr Alaa - congenital hypothyroidism Quiz
  • 29 - Dr Amjad - Respiratory distress syndrome "RDS" Quiz
  • 30 - Dr Amjad - Jaundice - part 2 Quiz
  • 31 - Dr Amjad - Infant of diabetic mother & hypoglycemia Quiz
  • 32 - Dr Amjad - Common problems in neonate Quiz
  • 33 - Dr Amjad - Neonatal seizures include all these seizures types except Quiz
  • 34 - Dr Amjad - bacterial infection in the neonates Quiz
  • 35 - Dr Rami - pediatric oncology overview & wilms tumor Quiz
  • 36 - Dr Rami - Childhood bleeding disorders - part 2 Quiz
  • 37 - Dr Rami - Leukemia Quiz
  • 38 - Dr Rami - juvenile idiopathic arthritis - Last edition Quiz
  • 39 - Dr Omar - Meningitis Quiz
  • 40 - Dr Omar - Muscular dystrophy Quiz
  • 41 - Dr Omar - pervasive developmental disorders Quiz
  • 42 - Dr Omar - Epilepsy Quiz
  • 43 - Dr Omar - Developmental Assessment Quiz
  • 44 - Dr Omar - febrile seizure Quiz
  • 45 - Dr Omar - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : ADHD Quiz
  • 46 - Dr Omar - Cerebral Palsy Quiz
  • 47 - Dr Omar - Headache Quiz
  • 48 - Dr Omar - immunization & COVID-19 Vaccination Quiz
Chapter 13


  • 1 - Exams - Part 2
Chapter 14


  • 1 - Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
  • 2 - Acute kidney injury (AKI)-sereen
  • 3 - Acute kidney Injury ( AKI ) - dr.Aseel
  • 4 -  Acute kidney Injury (AKI) - Dr.Reham 
  • 5 - chronic kidney disease-sereen
  • 6 - Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD ) - Dr.Aseel
  • 7 - Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD ) - Dr.Reham
  • 8 - Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI ) - Dr.Reham
  • 9 - Nephrotic Syndrome - Dr.Reham
  • 10 - Nephrotic syndrome and proteinuria - Part 1+2
  • 11 - VUR & enuresis-sereen
  • 12 - Acute Glomerulonephritis - Dr Aseel
  • 13 - Nephritic Syndrome - Dr.Reham
  • 14 - diabetes mellitus-sereen
  • 15 - Puberty & precocious puberty
  • 16 - Failure to thrive & Growth charts - Dr. Baker
  • 17 - acute gastroenteritis
  • 18 - infant feeding
  • 19 - chronic diarrhea and malabsorption
  • 20 - cystic fibrosis
  • 21 - Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • 22 - Anemia 1
  • 23 - Anemia 2
  • 24 - Childhood Bleeding Disorders - part 1
  • 25 - Childhood Bleeding Disorders - part 2
  • 26 - Overview of malignancy and childhood leukemia
  • 27 - kawasaki disease & HSP
  • 28 - Developmental Assessment
  • 29 - status epilepticus
  • 30 - febrile seizure
  • 31 - Headache
  • 32 - Muscular Dystrophies
  • 33 - Puberty and Precocious Puberty
  • 34 - Thyroid Disorders
  • 35 - Bronchial Asthma - Old
  • 36 - Cyanotic Heart Defects
  • 37 - acyanotic cardiac defect
  • 38 - Anemia 3
  • 39 - congenital malformation
Chapter 15


  • 1 - Bronchial Asthma
  • 2 - Asthma 1
  • 3 - Asthma 2
  • 4 - pneumonia
  • 5 - Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 1 ( URTI 1 )
  • 6 - Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 2 ( URTI 2 )
  • 7 - TB
  • 8 - Acute Rheumatic fever ( ARF )
  • 9 - Chromosomal abnormalities
  • 10 - Bronchiolitis
  • 11 - Endemic disease
Chapter 16


  • 1 - Acute
  • 2 - Infant Feeding - New-part 1
  • 3 - Infant Feeding - New-part 2
  • 4 - GERD - New
  • 5 - cystic fibrosis.NEW
  • 6 - Short Stature NEW
  • 7 - Malabsorption Syndrome - NEW
Chapter 17


  • 1 - Anemia 1 - New
  • 2 - Anemia 2 - New
  • 3 - Bleeding disorders 1 - New
  • 4 - Bleeding disorders 2 - New
  • 5 - Kawasaki disease - New
  • 6 - HSP - New