الكورس التدريسي الخاص بالجهاز العصبي الطرفي


الكورس التدريسي الخاص بالجهاز العصبي الطرفي

Course Videos


  • Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.
  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry.
  • The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s.

Meet Your Instructor


La Medica Team

La Medica Team
  • Sections 8
  • Lessons 58
  • Duration 50
  • Language English
  • Video Subtitle Link
  • Certificate False

Course Syllabus

Chapter 1


  • 1 - Lab - Patho
  • 2 - lec1-patho (part 1)
  • 3 - lec1-patho (part 2)
  • 4 - L2 - Patho
  • 5 - Lec3-part 1
  • 6 - Lec3-part 2
Chapter 2


  • 1 - L1 - Micro pt.1
  • 2 - L1 - Micro pt.2
  • 3 - L2 - Enterovirus
  • 4 - L3 - Micro
  • 5 - L4 - C.tetanus
  • 6 - L4 - Clostridium botulism
  • 7 - Revision pt.1
  • 8 - Revision pt.2
  • 9 - Lab - Micro
  • 10 - Lab - Micro 2
Chapter 3


  • 1 - Lab 1 - Anatomy Dr.Anwar
  • 2 - Lab 1 - Anatomy Dr.Mohammad Badwan
  • 3 - Lab 2 - Anatomy Dr.Anwar
  • 4 - L1 - The Scalp
  • 5 - L2 - The Face
  • 6 - L3 - Trigeminal nerve
  • 7 - L4 - Facial Nerve ( FN )
  • 8 - L5 - The Orbit, Extraocular muscles
  • 9 - L6 - The Eyeball
  • 10 - L7 - Optic nerve, visual and olfactory pathways
  • 11 - L8 - CN IX,X,XI,XII
  • 12 - L9 - External, middle ear, CN VIII
  • 13 - L10 - Cervical plexus
  • 14 - L11 - Inner ear
Chapter 4


  • 1 - PNS - MCQs
  • 2 - L1 - Physiology of peripheral nerves
  • 3 - L2 - Autonomic nervous system-1
  • 4 - L3 - Autonomic nervous system-II
  • 5 - L4 - Vision
  • 6 - L4 - Vision pt.2
  • 7 - L5 - Hearing
  • 8 - L6 - Vestibular Apparatus
  • 9 - L7 - smell and taste
  • 10 - L8 - Central regulation of viscera
  • 11 - Lab 1 - Vision
  • 12 - Lab 2 - Hearing
Chapter 5


  • 1 - L1 - Local Anesthesia
  • 2 - L2 - Direct-sympathomimetics
  • 3 - L3 - Indirect and mixed sympathomimetics
  • 4 - L4 - Anti-Muscarinic
  • 5 - L5 - Adrenergic antagonist
  • 6 - L6 - Parasympathomimetic
Chapter 6


  • 1 - L1 - The Eye 1
  • 2 - L2 - The Eye 2
  • 3 - L3 - The Ear
  • 4 - L4 - PNS histology
  • 5 - Lab - Histo
Chapter 7


  • 1 - L1 - Biochemistry of vision
  • 2 - L2 - Biochemistry of Vision
  • 3 - L3 - Biochemistry of taste and smell
Chapter 8


  • 1 - L1 - Pharyngeal apparatus
  • 2 - L2- Face embryology