Microbiology - 2023/2024

الكورس التدريسي الخاص بمادة علم الميكروبات


الكورس التدريسي الخاص بمادة علم الميكروبات.

Course Videos


  • الكورس التدريسي الخاص بمادة علم الميكروبات

Meet Your Instructor


Dr. Farah Khalid

Dr. Farah Khalid
  • Sections 3
  • Lessons 39
  • Duration 50
  • Language Arabic
  • Video Subtitle Link
  • Certificate False

Course Syllabus

Chapter 1


  • 1 - L1 - Introduction to Microbiology
  • 2 - L2 - Bacterial structure and classification
  • 3 - L3 - Bacterial structure and classification(2)
  • 4 - Lab 1 - Laboratory safety rules
  • 5 - L4 - Microbial growth and metabolism
  • 6 - L5 - Bacterial classification and identification
  • 7 - L6 - Gram positive bacteria
  • 8 - L7- Gram negative bacteria
  • 9 - L8- Bacterial genetics
  • 10 - Lab2+ Lab3- Hand washing and staining
  • 11 - L9 - Sterilization and disinfection
  • 12 - Lab 4- Types of culture media
  • 13 - Lec10- Antibiotics
  • 14 - L11- Antibiotics part 2
  • 15 - L12- Infection control
  • 16 - Lab 5- Biochemical reactions
  • 17 - Microbiology revisions
Chapter 2


  • 1 - Microbiology labs
  • 3 - Final study schedule
  • 4 - Lecture 1- Infection control
  • 5 - Lecture 2- Virology
  • 6 - Lecture 3- Viral replication
  • 7 - Lecture 4- Introduction to parasitology
  • 8 - Lecture 5- Fasciola species "liver flukes"
  • 9 - Lecture 6- Intestinal flukes
  • 10 - Lecture 7- Cestodes
  • 11 - Lecture 8- Nematodes
  • 12 - Lecture 9- Protozoa "entamoeba histolytica"
  • 13 - Lecture 10- Viral detection
  • 14 - Lecture 11- Viral pathogenesis
  • 15 - Parasitology intensive course <3
  • 16 - Virology intensive course :)
  • 17 - Intensive labs 4-6
Chapter 3


  • 1 - Lab 1- Safety rules
  • 2 - Lab 2+ Lab 3 Hand washing and gram staining
  • 3 - Lab 4- Types of culture media
  • 4 - Lab 5- Biochemical reactions
  • 5 - Lab 6- Antibiotics sensitivity testing